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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2020

Offshore Mobile App Developers in Vietnam

  To meet the complex challenges brought on by today's economy, more and more companies are refocusing their core business activities. One way to face these challenges is by means of offshore non-core business activities to third party experts. Offshore is a way of delivering some responsibilities for certain tasks to third party providers. Companies that offshore services usually get the job done at the right service level and within the range of time and budgets. In order to maximize offshore, companies are taking it further by moving parts of the business operations to a low-cost jurisdiction like the Vietnam. Because of arbitrage or economic difference, western companies can save a lot when they offshore their services to the country. The economic value of the Vietnam is lower than its western counterparts, this is the reason why the cost of labor in the country is lower compared to the offshore's home base. A lot of western companies utilize offshore mobile a...
  In the last few years, there has been a remarkable change in thinking of the people. Due to boom in the information technology field and the increasing awareness of the Internet, the way people deal with computers and IT has drastically changed. Just think about any topic and you shall find a website for it. Not only websites but also different softwares are available easily. There exists no domain where IT has not shown its presence. This revolution has a higher effect in American and European countries. Along with websites, softwares nowadays even mobile applications and tablet applications are available for different domains. For the development of variety of features, they look for offshore mobile app developers in Vietnam . With the growth in technology, most of the manual processes have been automated. Today most of the people prefer the use of computer in assistance to their work. Psychologically thinking; we humans are never satisfied with whatever is available to us. ...

Top Apps Built With Flutter Framework

  As an outsourcing service provider, we have a keen understanding of how  outsourcing mobile application development can help businesses understand which cross-platform mobile frameworks to use. Yet we are also the first to recognize that there are many situations where some frameworks are not a good fit for mobile app development . Mobile app development is a broad concept. New tools and technologies are being disrupted and are evolving timely to make the development procedure less complicated and structured.     A few years ago, developers had to build mobile separately for both iOS and Android, which was frustrating and used to take a lot of time. However, as the new technologies erupted, a revolution came in the form of cross-platform app development. Today frameworks like Xamarin, React Native, and Flutter are some of the most trending cross-platform mobile app frameworks. In this article , we will talk about the most popular and emerging framework 一 Flutter...